Himanshu Pandey

Himanshu Pandey is a passionate web content writer with having a copywriting certificate from open Sap and a graduation degree in Psychology. He is associated with Shoviv Software for the last three years. Being a tech geek, he has commendable command over Emailing and all its dimensions, and he loves to share it with readers. Blending professional language with a friendly tone is the best part of his writing style.

Microsoft 365 Group vs Distribution List What's the Difference

Microsoft 365 Group vs Distribution List: What’s the Difference?

A lot of Office 365 users get confused and search a lot about Microsoft 365 Group vs Distribution List. Microsoft 365 Group is more than just a contact list; it is what the Distribution List is about. A distribution list helps to send a particular email to a list of users that are pre-described/added.  Microsoft […]

Microsoft 365 Group vs Distribution List: What’s the Difference? Read More »

Migrate Shared Mailbox to Office 365 Exchange Online Mailbox

Migrate Shared Mailbox to Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online)

A Shared mailbox provides access to multiple users who have delegate rights. A shared mailbox is a widely used facility used by the organization to provide access to those who have permission. In most cases, companies create support@company.com, finanace@company.com, or other common information center/ mailbox that must be shared with a team or department. Users

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How to create a distribution list in Outlook 365 featured Image to show contacts Groups in Outlook

How to Create a Distribution List in Outlook? – Complete Guide

Distribution List in Outlook or Office 365(Outlook 365) helps users to share a particular mail with many others in a single go.  As its name clarifies, it helps users create a separate list of members you usually send a particular email to. When you work in a large organization, entering details one by one is

How to Create a Distribution List in Outlook? – Complete Guide Read More »

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